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Puntuació mitjana 581 Ressenyes
Leon ha valorat a Google

Excellent food perfect Service it's a Masterpiece

fa 6 mesos
Sasha Amani ha valorat a Google

fa 6 mesos
christelle lebouvier ha valorat a Google

fa 6 mesos
Anaïs ha valorat a Google

tasty food and friendly staff

fa 7 mesos
Inna ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Very warm welcome and delicious dishes! (Original) Très bon accueil et plats délicieux !

fa 7 mesos
Nathalie Budan ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) My daughters and I were very well received, the dishes were very good and inexpensive. (Original) On a été très bien reçues mes filles et moi, les plats étaient très bons et pas cher.

fa 7 mesos
Kev Wylan ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Good food and fast service. (Original) Bons plats et service rapide.

fa 7 mesos
Jesper Smith ha valorat a Google

fa 7 mesos
Justine L ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) We took a Zha ji fan and a Fanmifan. The Zhajifan was excellent, we will return to this restaurant just for this dish (Original) Nous avons pris un Zha ji fan et un Fanmifan. Le Zhajifan était excellent, nous retournerons dans ce restaurant juste pour ce plat

fa 7 mesos
Denis WISSE ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Top, there were 2 of us, last Wednesday Very good and healthy food. Highly recommended (Original) Top, nous étions 2, mercredi dernier Nourriture très bonne et saine. A conseiller vivement

fa 7 mesos

MushiMushi© 2024
Avís legal

31, Av. Corentin Cariou
75019 Paris, France

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