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Puntuació mitjana 581 Ressenyes
pascal vasmant ha valorat a Google

fa 5 mesos
Pauline Bab ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Really delicious I was afraid of disturbing the children but the staff is very kind and understanding. Fast and very good quality service. The menu is “restricted” in the good sense of the term, we focus on the essentials and we enjoy ourselves. The crispy ravioli are perfect! (Original) Vraiment délicieux J’avais peur de déranger avec les enfants mais le personnel est très gentil et compréhensif. Service rapide et de très bonne qualité. La carte est « restreinte » dans le bon sens du terme, on se focalise sur l’essentiel et on se régale. Les raviolis croustillants sont parfaits !

fa 5 mesos
Abbie Preece ha valorat a Google

Staying in the hotel opposite and have been there both nights for dinner. The service was so friendly and helpful, the food was great tasting and even though I had takeaway both times, the atmosphere was nice and cosy if I were to sit in to eat. Will be sad when I have to go back to the UK and won't be able to eat here again.

fa 5 mesos
PETIT BLEU PHOTOS ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) A very good bobun and served very quickly (Original) Un bobun tres bon et servit tres rapidement

fa 5 mesos
Antonio H ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) The dish I ordered was incredible and when I went to pick it up it was already ready, very punctual and friendly!! I will return without a doubt (Original) El plato que pedí estaba increíble y cuando fui a recogerlo estaba ya listo, muy puntuales y amables!! Volveré sin duda

fa 5 mesos
nitin kumar ha valorat a Google

Service & food was good

fa 6 mesos
Gaëlle Lm ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) We had a great time, the service was top notch, friendly and efficient and the cuisine was generous and full of taste! (Original) Nous avons passé un très bon moment, le service au top, sympathique et efficace et la cuisine généreuse et pleine de goûts !

fa 6 mesos
Axon Dump ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Delicious, plentiful, excellent prices! (Original) Délicieux, copieux, excellents prix !

fa 6 mesos
Gaël Boucard ha valorat a Google

(Translated by Google) Quick preparation, very good quality/quantity/price ratio. (Original) Préparation rapide, très bon rapport qualité / quantité / prix.

fa 6 mesos
Constant Zion ha valorat a Google

fa 6 mesos

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